Story of Stuff
The Good Stuff a Story of Stuff newsletter | Facebook | MySpace Issue No.3 | November, 2008
In This Issue
From Annie
New Stuff: Check out our featured book and movie of the month
Campaign Corner: Electronics Take Back Coalition
Solutions Spotlight: Two Innovators in Zero Waste
Dates to Remember: Calender
Dear Patxi,
Hello to all our new and veteran subscribers. We've had a very busy summer and have much news to share. Here's just a brief summary of SoS Milestones we've hit along the way to our first anniversary next month.
* As of mid-November, the Story of Stuff has been viewed over 4.5 million times by people in 227 countries and territories around the world!
* Time Magazine names Annie a 2008 Hero of the Environment.
* Hoping to "turn the movie into a movement", Annie and colleagues officially launched the Story of Stuff Project this summer to continue the work the movie began. We have at last hired one full-time staff member, Nathan Embretson, and will soon be hiring an experienced organizer to serve as our Associate Director. Stay tuned for more on this.
* With much support around the globe by many volunteers, the SOS International Page and five translations (with more to follow quickly) near readiness for an Anniversary launch (Early December).
We are so grateful to all our SOS community for your encouragement, help spreading the word, many offers for help and your generous donations. We very much look forward to continuing to "find a better way" with all of you over the next many years to come.
From Annie
This past September, news of the economic crisis dominated the headlines. At the exact same time, another debt crisis was intensifying yet was barely noticed.
Earth Overshoot Day, also known as Ecological Debt Day, was September 23.This is the day in 2008 by which humanity had used all the resources that the planet will generate this year. As viewers of The Story of Stuff already know, we currently consume 1.4 planets' worth of global resources each year. From September 23rd on, we've been eating into the natural capital, undermining its ability to produce for the future. We're consuming on credit and accumulating ecological debt that we have no way to repay.
Ecology and economics share a common root: the Greek word oikos, meaning "home." Economics and ecology both are about managing our home. Up until now, we've been poor managers in both arenas. Continue reading...
New Stuff
Our good friend, Van Jones, offers timely solutions for our current climate and economic crisis in his new book "The Green Collar Economy" . Van lays the foundations for a positive future connecting social justice, to environmental sustainability. You can learn more here.
INFORM has released two films in its Secret Life Series, including one on paper and one on electronics. These short films show the hidden lives of our consumer products and the website has additional information and action ideas.
Campaign Corner
one zombie E-waste is one of the most poisonous exports known to human kind. When our old CRT Televisions become obsolete, what will become of them?
Our friends at the Electronics Takeback Coalition have launched a new campaign, issuing an urgent call for corporate responsibility. With the digital deadline swiftly approaching, we need to ensure that electronic companies are held accountable for the toxics they have put into their television sets. Click on the Zombie Television to find out how you can get involved.
Solutions Spotlight: Two Zero Waste Leaders
On the southern tip of India sits the beautiful village of Kovalam. It has been a destination for backpackers and tourists for many years, and because of this has had to deal with the trash that they create. Zero Waste Kovalam has implemented a system around craftsmanship and creativity. Go to the website to learn more about this visionary program in Zero Waste Economy.
Check out what some of our friends are doing in the South Bronx neighborhood of New York City to redistribute "waste" and contribute to the Green Collar Economy by creating worker owned cooperatives.
Upcoming Days for Action
November 28th (North America) and 29th (International), Buy Nothing Day. In the United States, the Friday after Thanksgiving has historically marked the beginning of the debt-driven, frenzied, consumer-crazed holiday shopping season. Join with thousands of others to disengage from the consumer crush and spend the day building community instead.
December 1st, 2008: 7th annual Global Day of Action Against Waste and Incineration, sponsored by GAIA . This year's focus is on Zero Waste for Zero Warming. Join hundreds of groups around the world in taking action to promote real solutions to the waste and climate crises. Please register here so GAIA can get in touch with you.
December 3 , 2008: Global Day of Action on Bhopal. December 3 marks the 24th anniversary of the Union Carbide poisonous gas leak in Bhopal, India. Bhopal survivors and a coalition of social justice organizations serving the people of Bhopal use this day to remind us and call for justice. Lend your voice here.
December 6th: Global Day of Action: International Demonstrations on Climate Change. Join others around the world to take synchronized action to call on world leaders meeting at the UNFCCC Climate Talks (COP 14/MOP 4), in Poznan, Poland to protect our climate. More information at:
We're just getting started and you'll be hearing much more about our plans in the coming months. Meanwhile, if you would like to support our new project, any donation is tax deductible and greatly appreciated.
The SoS Team
Drawing of Annie at her computer.
Story of Stuff | 1442 A Walnut St. | Berkeley, CA 94709
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